allocation questionnaire — Questionnaire to be completed by parties in advance of allocation. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
Allocation questionnaire — An allocation questionnaire is a form used in English legal practice. After a claim is made, each party completes and returns an allocation questionnaire to the court within 14 days, so that the judge may properly allocate the claim to a track… … Wikipedia
Civil procedure in England and Wales — For rules of civil procedure by country, see civil procedure. The civil courts of England and Wales adopted an overwhelmingly unified body of rules as a result of the Woolf Reforms on 26 April 1999. These are collectively known as the Civil… … Wikipedia
Small claims court — For the Australian series of television movies, see Small Claims (telemovie). Small claims courts have limited jurisdiction to hear civil cases between private litigants. Courts authorized to try small claims may also have other judicial… … Wikipedia
Settlement conference — A settlement conference is a meeting between opposing sides of a lawsuit at which the parties attempt to reach a mutually agreeable resolution of their dispute without having to proceed to a trial. Such a conference may be initiated through… … Wikipedia
Bill of Particulars — In law, a Bill of Particulars is a list of written statements made by a party to a court proceeding, upon demand of another party, that sets forth details of a claim or defense.A bill of particulars may be used in either criminal defense or in… … Wikipedia
Plaint number — A Plaint number is an old fashioned term for a claim number . [ [http://www.hmcourts Her Majestery s Courts official web site] ] [ [ Plaint Number Law… … Wikipedia
List of law topics (A-E) — NOTOC Law [From Old English lagu something laid down or fixed ; legal comes from Latin legalis , from lex law , statute ( [ searchmode=none Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [http://www.m… … Wikipedia
CHÔMAGE — Depuis le début des recherches sur le chômage, la définition du chômeur a présenté de grandes difficultés. C’est que le chômage n’est pas seulement le non emploi ou le non travail. Il fait intervenir les aptitudes et les tendances d’un individu,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Connick v. Myers — Supreme Court of the United States Argued November 8, 1982 Decided April 20, 1983 … Wikipedia
Randomized controlled trial — Flowchart of four phases (enrollment, intervention allocation, follow up, and data analysis) of a parallel randomized trial of two groups, modified from the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) 2010 Statement[1] … Wikipedia